Our Caretaker of the Land, David Clarke and his Family will be lighting a small Fire on the Hill of Uisneach on 5th at 21:21 Irish time, being the closest time to the Solar Bealtaine cross-quarter day, wherever ye are on Tuesday night we would like if you would light your Bealtaine Flame, be it a Fire or just a candle, hoping with this time of isolation, that we can get a fire in every County in Erin, also sharing across the Earth where possible, If we cannot bring the Tribes of the Earth to our Sacred Centre of Uisneach, May we bring the Uisneach Fire to the Tribes across the Earth. please share this with Friends far n near , Beannachtaí ná Féile Bealtaine 🌀🙏🏼🌀
Light Your Beailtaine Sacred Flame Tuesday 5th May