About Us

We are a Ministry of Kindness

Earth Spiritualist Foundation is a modern Christian Holistic Ministry, a Ministry of faith in our Creator,  our Highest God, the Divine Spirit and Consciousness all around us in Mother Earth, Nature and all living things.  We recognise the Divine all around us in nature and all living things as part of Divine creation, including the Spirit of place.  We hold deep respect for community and cultural celebrations. 

Our guiding principle of all we do is Kindness, a fundamental Spiritual Law manifested to us from our Divine Creator.   We recognize this  Divine Spiritual Law of Kindness also as a fundamental part of our native Irish culture and our ancestral traditions.  

We define the Earth Spiritualist tradition as the essence of the culture of Ireland, a tradition based on kindness, and connection to nature and the land, where every living man and woman has freedom of Religious and Spiritual belief (or none).

We work with people from all faiths or none, without discrimination.   We are guided by the Divine in all that we do.

We also practice and promote the ancestral traditions and culture of Ireland, where those traditions are based on Kindness. 


Our Holistic Ministers create & conduct beautiful unique & personalised ceremonies for all of life’s sacred moments, including bespoke one-of-a-kind Marriage & Funeral Ceremonies to suit the beliefs and wishes of those they serve.   Our Ministers also do much more than ceremonial outreach.  You will also find them assisting their local communities through community kindness initiatives and outreach activities of their own calling.  

Our Holistic Ministers are also inspiring teachers and Spiritual Counsellors & Guides, and Spiritual Healers with a lifetime of community care who have joined us from all walks of life.   Their common goal and driving force is a desire for Kindness to make a difference in the lives of those they serve in their local community.

With our roots in Celtic Christianity, the Irish tradition of Kindness to self, others, nature and all living things is at the heart of all that we do. 

Our Holistic & Spiritual Retreats at our Country Retreat centre, provide a peaceful and tranquil escape for the benefit of those in need.

Summer solstice 2017 community event at our Hill of Tara, Co.Meath as part of Ireland’s national Summer Solstice celebrations.
Opening and closing ceremony conducted by our Minister Sharon Q.
